Friday, March 11, 2011

Mystic Lady

I must apologize to @platypotamus, as it took for forever to notice that he sent me the links as a Direct Message.  But here is the label/bottle for his Belgian Dubbel- Mystic Lady.

Check out his blog and write up (with recipe) here. He has a great blog that deals with homebrewing and includes many good sounding recipes.

Here is another set of labels that he made. Check out here.
About a month back, we were having some neighbors over for a party, and I wanted to have some decent labels ready to slap on my homebrew bottles. Instead of stressing over coming up with the perfect concept for each label, I just decided to relax and have fun with them.
I ended up cranking out all three of these the night before our party, and I’m pretty happy with the way they turned out. The Chocolate Moo’k Stout (which is really a chocolate vanilla bourbon milk stout, technically) was probably the favorite of the night.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Little Devil Belgian Paleo Ale

Little Devil Belgian Paleo Ale
I had brewed a Belgian Pale Ale, somewhat inspired by Duvel, thus 'Little 
Devil.'  'Pale Ale' morphed into 'Paleo Ale', so I made a label to represent 
what some caveman in Paleolithic Belgium might have drawn on the wall to 
depict the Little Devil responsible for fermenting his beer.  I'm assuming 
said caveman didn't know what yeast was.

-Mick Spencer

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Bottle Cap Label

The label today comes from Jacob Davis.  He employs the Cap Label, forgoing the label on the bottle for a "surface that is going to end in the trash anyways".  This has been something I have been kicking around, and think it is a great alternative.

I wanted a label that I wouldn't have to worry about taking off or fussing with again, so why not a surface that was going to end in the trash anyway? That is the first trial, I couldn't get the OG to fit on there because of printing issues, but I plan on adding that and color for my next beer. Labels are available here: but a word to the wise, don't use their proprietary online software to make it - just use the Microsoft word template

- Jacob Davis
 Make sure to check out some of his other photos on flickr.  Who doesn't like to check out Homebrew pictures?